#Inktober day 3

Dean a young boy scout sat in the darkness among the trees shivering and shaking, the Sun had long set, it was loud all around him, the forest roared, he heard the rustle of the leaves, and the familiar crunch of unfamiliarly heavy feet on the snow… “The wind is howling, come on, perhaps it’s your imagination, playing tricks on you… The troop is bound to be coming back soon” – He said to himself reassuringly. The hunt was on. He had volunteered to stay at the campsite to keep the fire burning, too scared to head out with the others. The Yeti never comes to the fire they said… The snow gathered and dispersed on the violent winds, bunching up and floating apart mid-air, making patterns before his eyes, so thick it was almost milky white. Slowly and without a sound he reached out his hand to touch the formations, as he did his hand landed on what could only be wet fur that seconds before had emerged from the blizzard…

#roasted was a prompt that didn’t necessarily inspire me much!

But then I found this alternative Halloween prompt-list by @mabgraves and thought I’d mix it up!

You know, the scouts were wrong about Yetis, roasted humans are pretty much their favourite delicacy! Hahaha


“The burden which is well borne becomes light”


I have finished my Frida! 7 days in the making. It’s five o’clock in the morning and I can’t help falling into the grips of melancholy, and a strange nostalgia…

Something beautiful, nostalgia of all the great moments past, of the wild frenzies on the dance-floor, and the burning kisses, I bruised and hurt myself, so much, and yet I still look back and feel satiated, as if there were nothing left back there to discover, only to collect, the harvest of those planted seeds, the joys and the defeats, and to realize, that everything, everything in the end is sweetness, all those memories, and the wisdom they give to create what is yet to come!

I chose to paint Frida, first in a series of studies of master painters, and artists. And push myself to the limit of what I can do, and further!

*Rolling up my sleeves!!!




He terminado mi Frida. 7 dias. Son las cinco de la mañana y no puedo evitar que me pegue la melancolia y una extraña nostalgia…

Algo bello eso si, la nostalgia de los momentos vividos, del desenfreno total y absoluto, de la osadía ciega de la juventud. Lo di todo en las pistas de baile, bese hasta que me ardian los labios, me hice daño, mucho daño, y aun asi logro mirar para atras y sentir saciedad como si alli no me quedara nada que descubrir, solo cosechar los frutos de aquellas alegrias y derrotes y darme cuenta que todo, todo al fin y al cabo es dulce, dulce saborear los recuerdos y dulce crear lo que aguarda el futuro.

Frida, me inspiraste!!!

Mr. Inamori

Archive: Inktober art

Mr. Inamori takes the metro to work every day. The doors open, a wave of people stumble in, doors close and he drifts off into wonderland. Marunouchi Business District never sleeps, that’s where he’s headed. There, he seldom gets a chance to dream. So, he takes the time of his subway commute to do just that. He drowns out the sound, the breath on his neck, the steady sway of the waggon, and sees it all in a flash, the things he loves. His wife’s hair as it falls on her shoulders, Komorebi in the first days of Spring, and that summertime Matcha ice-cream treat dripping down on his fingers. These are the things that feel real. More real than this moment now. These are the things that he lives for.

Inktober, day 26.

Prompt: Subway scene

Inktober is almost over!

Fasten your seatbelts, we’re in for the final stretch! Keep those engines burning everyone 🔥



Ps. Wasn’t sure which tone went better with the story, so I put both of them up! Would love to hear your take x

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