
Found this hypnotic shot by @_portraitmami on @girlgaze


and couldn’t help myself from putting pen to paper, and later splashes of watercolors ensued, as I felt color was the necessary progression ❤💛💚💙💜
Blissful beauty*

One neon fantasy too.
Kisses lovlies!


“Not today Satan, not today!”

Absolute RPDR super fan coming through 😂💅
Do I watch too much RPDR related content?
Are you crazy!??? Is there such a thing as being too entertained!? 🎠
And yes, in my closest environment I’m pretty much the only person who watches it, and yes I do find multiple opportunities to quote it and giggle, much to the bewilderment of said environment.

There is so much to be said of the human spirit and it’s endless expressions, and it’s endless ways to find healing, through art and self expression, comedy, fantasy and fun! This happens to be one that inspires and entertains me so much!


Wes Anderson

This was my first full length feature watercolour illustration, pre-Frida haha! Took me ages to complete, but it was suuuuuper fun experimenting on a larger surface. Yikes! x

I chose a magic movie moment to practice on. Are there many better ones than this!? Watch time stop as these two oddballs meet, and you tell me!

No. But, seriously. Tell me. Because I LOVE getting recommendations for movies to watch.

“- What kind of bird are you?
– I’m a sparrow, she’s a do…
– No! I said, what kind of bird are YOU.






“The burden which is well borne becomes light”


I have finished my Frida! 7 days in the making. It’s five o’clock in the morning and I can’t help falling into the grips of melancholy, and a strange nostalgia…

Something beautiful, nostalgia of all the great moments past, of the wild frenzies on the dance-floor, and the burning kisses, I bruised and hurt myself, so much, and yet I still look back and feel satiated, as if there were nothing left back there to discover, only to collect, the harvest of those planted seeds, the joys and the defeats, and to realize, that everything, everything in the end is sweetness, all those memories, and the wisdom they give to create what is yet to come!

I chose to paint Frida, first in a series of studies of master painters, and artists. And push myself to the limit of what I can do, and further!

*Rolling up my sleeves!!!




He terminado mi Frida. 7 dias. Son las cinco de la mañana y no puedo evitar que me pegue la melancolia y una extraña nostalgia…

Algo bello eso si, la nostalgia de los momentos vividos, del desenfreno total y absoluto, de la osadía ciega de la juventud. Lo di todo en las pistas de baile, bese hasta que me ardian los labios, me hice daño, mucho daño, y aun asi logro mirar para atras y sentir saciedad como si alli no me quedara nada que descubrir, solo cosechar los frutos de aquellas alegrias y derrotes y darme cuenta que todo, todo al fin y al cabo es dulce, dulce saborear los recuerdos y dulce crear lo que aguarda el futuro.

Frida, me inspiraste!!!

J. M. Szancer, Polish Illustrator

I copied this beautiful image by Szancer as practice and couldn’t be happier for the little triumph of having finished. Szancer is a Polish illustration master! I can only pay tribute to his beautiful work.
It’s always been a dream of mine to paint this and I finally gathered up the courage to give it a swing! Seven year old me would be proud! Haha

Some images we carry with us forever.
This one of a wild prancing pony in the moonlight was one of them for me!
I remember our big old hardbound copy of this book in my house when I was a kid, Konik Garbusek, ilustrował J. M. Szancer. In a Poland where unfoldable furniture was still very much in vogue, encyclopedias still stood on shelves gathering dust awaiting their occasional use and perhaps my reading skills had yet to even properly form, I’d open this book again and again and stare in awe at the images it contained, turning it’s pages until the cover crumbled at the edges…

Some lines in Polish from the book read (good luck trying to decipher haha )

“Karbowana złota grzywa
Aż do samej ziemi spływa. „Aha! Zacznie się igraszka,
Przyłapałem złodziejaszka.
Ej, dostanie ci się wnet,
Kiedy skoczę ci na grzbiet!
Poznasz, jak to u nas tańczą,
Popamiętasz mnie, szarańczo!” Przekradając się w pszenicy,
Ogon klaczy w dłonie chwycił,
Po czym biegnąc za nią w ślad,
Jednym susem na grzbiet wsiadł.
Klacz dorodna, młoda, bystra,
Gniewnym okiem wokół błyska,
Głową kręci, gniewem pała
I przed siebie mknie jak strzała.
Pędzi kołem nad polami,
Przelatuje nad rowami,
Góry mija jednym skokiem,
Staje dęba, skacze bokiem,
Coraz bardziej rozgniewana
Zrzucić z siebie chce Iwana.”

Larger than life!

Some days I feel larger than life! 🚲
Inspiration struck when I was riding my bike the other day and tried to picture what I would look like if I were a giant, hah!
This is the image that popped into my head. Used it to put some skin tone and color pallets into practice!


Total time elapsed: 4 hours

Check my progress in the ABOUT section!




@briandafjstuart in @tetaandteta
Cool as a cucumber.

Love this pic 🍭🍭 and for ages I’ve wanted to use it as watercolour practice! Brianda’s page is aesthetic inspo for days! 👀
And I love how she has a Patti Smith pose going on here, in that stunning swimsuit. Enjoyed everything about painting this!

The sun is about to rise, so I better get to bed before that happens. The early birds are already singing Haha Oops!

A seventy year old Spanish lady named Pepita once told me, “don’t hide your breasts, show them while you’re young!”. I’ll leave you with that thought applied to all ages. There isn’t ever anything more fascinating than a woman who feels comfortable in her own skin.
Here’s to walking as if every part of you deserved a thunderous applause, whatever your shape or size. Because you do.

Violet Chachki

@violetchachki here is a slice of pinup, Stepford wives perfection, with those burlesque undertones!

“Pain is beauty and I’m the prettiest.”

“I am a one-of-a-kind collectible.“

I love people who are fearless, authentic and unapologetic, and this girl here takes the cake (although, she probably never eats it. Just saying 🍑) One of my all time fav RuPaul alumni.

Keep it shady!

Mr. Kate

Hot gluegun mess! @mrkatedotcom
Santa! I’ll take a copy please! 💗💗💗
Ps. Oops, I gave Kate a gaptooth!
I wanted to throw something up, even if it were incomplete or a bit splotchy!
Focusing on the details stresses me out, it feels like getting stuck in a box. The more I try for my illustrations to be minutely realistic, the more I freeze up! I’m trying something new with these next watercolour practices and that is loosening the grip those lines have on me, and embracing the imperfections. That goes much better with my actual outlook on life, and why should I seek perfection on someone elses terms? I’m all about celebrating otherness, and I want that to be apparent in my painting aswell. Developing my own visual language, is very much something I aspire to. So here goes one step in that direction, splotches and all!

MANTRA: I trust the process, and the mistakes that come from taking risks are only there to guide me, and sharpen my resolve.

Ps. If you don’t know Mr. Kate, do yourself a favour and watch her youtube channel, it’s bubbly, goofy, cretive weirdo loveliness! Always makes my day that little bit lighter*



Nature is our chapel
And trust the unknown
Fathomable imagination
Surrender to future

From girl to woman to ethereal, otherworldly, and yet, earthly being. Her music tells a story of growth and exploration. Some people’s journey through life is truer and braver than others. Some people are a force of nature, the wild wind and the roaring waves crashing on a jagged coast, uncontainable, violent expression in a supple human form. Fragility and power. What beauty stems from that contradiction! Inextricably, it reminds me of that pinch of magic, that touch of maddness, spirit, and desire that tends to want to lay asleep within.

She’s alive! I felt like Frankenstein with this one, bringing his monster to life. Uff!! It took me forever to trust my hand and eye enough, to want to lay a single layer of paint down, so the process drew out endlessly! I’m glad I got through it, and maybe the next time it will be easier, and the next time easier still, until the challenges are only really fantastically big things and a joy to tackle with a confident brush stroke and an open mind!

I love how she looks like Ofelia on the cover of this @dazed magazine, by @truekanda, floating on wreaths of flowers, transfixed. I couldn’t help myself to give it a try. Musical, mystical, muse. Flow.


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