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“…it’s simply impassible!

Alice: Why, don’t you mean impossible?

Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing’s impossible!”


I have learned this week that there are places in the world more beautiful than you can possibly imagine! & they might be just around the corner. We can spend a lifetime trying to paint over the things we don’t like about our lives, or go out and search for the adventures we have come to this planet to experience! There might be impassible difficulties, but where your pure impulse and your heart guide, nothing within that space is impossible! Follow through*


I have chosen one final John Tenniel illustration to practice copying and “draw” inspiration from for my first ever commission. I’m so excited, and terrified! Haha
Next one will be an original composition*


They say it takes roughly 10.000 hours to become a master at something. I have decided to take up the challenge and see how long it will take me to become a legitimate self-sustaining artist:

Total time dedicated so far: 238 hours

This is the FIRST MILESTONE achieved!

Archive: Inktober art

Mama eu quero!

Nothing more than fruity kisses this time, from Carmen Miranda.

Quick sketch

Inktober, day 28.
Prompt: Carmen Miranda
Keep on dreaming of what you want lovlies! For the world, for others, and for yourself!

Boa noite!


What is it like to have creative block?

How is it to be bound by a merciless force? A discomfort you are so used to that you have forgotten to pay it any mind, and yet, is an unwelcome lodger in your heart and in your limbs, stiffening them.

Listen to the silent whispers, words of doubt spoken in and of your mind. It follows you and makes so that you never rest in joy or satisfaction, but forever feverishly spin in pursuit of an elusive fulfillment without.

We dare not even speak it’s name, for risk of summoning it. Oh, Fear…

As a person who has made a full recovery from more than 6 years of mental illness in my early twenties. I know it all too well. It is my bosom friend, and has kept me too long from my desire to become an artist.

This is what I’ve learned from overcoming it:


It doesn’t like to be confined, it is unendingly greedy. This artful phantom will fast hide in a hidden corner, lurking, and waiting to rise up again. There is a strange order in the world wherein you cannot escape your fears. Live from love they say, reject fear, they say. Nonsense! Do not silence it. I say embrace them both! Discover their raison d’etre. Forgive yourself for feeling it, you are not guilty of weakness. It’s just a signal to change. Listen carefully to this signal on the road, an indicator to rise up. Now is your chance!


You can develop courage to face even the most unimaginable difficulties, as long as you take it step by step. Give yourself time. Be kind to yourself, and the process can become a game! Wisdom can be attained. Practice doing things that scare you, that you feel the desire to become better at.


We tend to start believing that fear is a trustworthy indicator, that it will conserve us from harm, and that is a treacherous thought. Do not give it power. Acknowledge it’s importance, thank you! Tweak something if need be, and goodbye, go on with your day.


Fear is not a force that beckons us to inaction, fear is a force that is a call to arms, to charge towards it with all our might and see it vanish before our eyes as the deceitful mirage that it is. It is often there as an opposing force to empower your conviction.

“Lala wanted to be brave for she brought upon herself many calamities. That was her training ground.”


We spend our lives running away from fear, and there is something to be said about going towards it full on, embracing it, giving in to it. It looses all it’s power.

I like thinking of those great heroes of stories often told in fantastical settings, such as that of Frodo and his companions. There is so much wisdom in these made up fables, in their hero’s journeys and adventures. Fate is good to those who conquer those fears, and all it takes is practice really. To try and try again, and let not small mindedness hinder your progress.

Good luck to all you warriors out there!

You ARE so brave already!



Dreams of a sleepless night

Uneasy spirit feel no blame,
When morning light hits the window pane,
We know the night unsettled you,
As shadows danced across the room,
For purpose driven from your heart,
A roaming twisted wandering starts,
And in this mist your only guide,
Is the rule by which the world abides:
Thoughts be heroes’ swords of late,
By which they carves their fate of fates.

Dreamt right through a sleepless night ❤
Streams of consciousness in abundance.

Finding light in darkness.



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