We copy and paste, and build up a persona,
of treasures and waste, of all we have known, a
juxtaposition: experience and thought,
in which we believe more often than not.

Collage of ideas we identify with,
always in search of that something elusive.
We live in this being of haphazard structure,
Until the unexpected moment of rupture.

In which we detach from associating,
from values and faults that we are creating.
Surround our self with that which resonates truly,
Bending the canons, and being unruly.

A human experience, a kaleidoscopic design,
what actually happens when we let our light shine,
a beautiful spectacle of channeled source,
of power, and artistry and creative force.

Channeling classic masters of illustration is one of my favorite ways to learn (and one of the only ways I know how, haha)! This week I decided to focus on John Tenniel, who illustrated the first edition of Alice in Wonderland! “Tenniel’s “grotesqueness” was one of the main reasons why Lewis Carroll wanted Tenniel as his illustrator for the Alice books. The grotesque is an abnormality that imparts the disturbing sense that the real world may have ceased to be reliable.”. I love these images so much more now that I know of the meaningful intention behind them. MIND BLOWN!
If you practice art I’d love to hear which are your favorite techniques for learning!! 🎠



Forrest bathing

Among the trees, I do believe,
I hear the calling of the leaves,
They sway and dance in the gentle breeze,
And all my worries help me release,
I am in peace.


“Forrest bathing” is definitely a hobby worth considering! Next time you’re in a park or around nature, notice those beautiful creatures waving in the wind, breathe in, take a moment, and make a conscious choice to let them work their magic on you!



Believe in your greatness,
Go on embrace this,
Budding desire, this inner fire,
Take no heed of imagined defeat.

Fear is faith inverted,
Inner Power diverted.


Go and take on the world!


Baby girl, this is your world,
Playful playground of sound,
And visions, it’s your decision,
You create, what you contemplate.

Gypsy and free 💐

Digging out some old oil paintings, for a motivational time travel sesh. Feeling rusty, as I had to take a break from making art, to focus on my nomad fam reunion. My family having been scattered around the globe for the past few years, will finally reunite under one roof! It’s happy and creative days to come! And now finally, back to making art!

I will tell our story of endless travels soon. Stay tuned, fellow nomads and sedentary friends.




Some friends come, and some friends go
And some friends you will never know,
Cos, Take initiative you must
To build relationships of trust.
Move from out your comfort zone,
To meet those people yet unknown.
Stay your open happy self,
And life’ll offer up it’s best!

And when those few true friends remain,
You’ll know the risk was worth the gain.
Life is a constant flux of experiences, and only ever presents us with the challenges we are capable of facing! As a nomadic soul I am constantly on the look out for those little gifts that life brings, and people are no doubt one of life’s greatest blessings.
So here’s a toast to friedships past and present, and those everlasting. I love you all,  and am so happy to have met you on this journey! ♡♡♡




Immovable frame

I set myself free from accumulation,
Of needless thoughts in stagnation,
From reality as an immovable frame,
To endless growth and positive change.

My first ever animation!!! Born in aches, and pains, and hours of evasive procratination haha but finally here! Excited to see where I can go from here! Every day I try something new feels like a great adventure, and the more I dare, the more I dare myself to do, and that’s a vicious cycle I’m happy to be caught in!
Feeling grand, dreaming big, enjoying the simplest of steps!

Heartbreak escape

I undertake,
The heartbreak escape,
When you give up and flake,
Make no mistake
Cos, I will rebel,
From under this spell
No, I will not dwell,
My story will tell,
Of triumph and bravery,
That's how I want to be,
Success and harmony, 
Come on and follow me!

Boom, pow, catch your dreams!
Soon, wow, they’ll come in streams.
Tick, tock, no time to loose
Pick the lock and find your muse.

Watch out future, I’m coming in for a hug!



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