
We ebb and flow, as the sea’s tide,
We wane and grow, like the moon’s shine.
Ever in flux, ever arranging
Our many layers of light, ever changing.



Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō

Muddied waters bring a boon,
They are merely life’s cocoon,

They’re a space from which to bloom,
As you grow from moon to moon.

Happy full moon beauties and beasties! Haha
#Inktober day 23
Prompt: #muddy

Inspired by the Buddhist proverb “The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud”

Some lotus flower power for those full moon transformations! 💜

Giving new meaning to the expression “I’d tap that!”


#Inktober days 20 & 21 and the short n’sweet reflective poems they inspired!

Two kinds of people on this plane,
One is the tap and one is the drain.

Don’t think a heart can ever be broken,
No untruer words could ever be spoken.

With love and constancy everything mends,
And change and betterment is always right there, just around the bend.



So, be the tap, my friend, be the tap!

It’s funny how we say, my heart is broken… Can something that is eternally mendable and has this incredible capacity to grow stronger in strife, truly be called broken?

Catching up!!! Hihi


There is no deadline for progression,
No such thing as regression,

In lack of judgement, 
We make a covenant.

As below so above,
We guard fiercely our right to choose love.


#inktober day 13 and 14
Prompts: #guarded & #clock

Have been listening to so much @shamandurek lately! Haha and this I feel added that touch of inspiration and magic, so this one goes out with a dedication to him and all those who ignite imagination in others! Bless the magical thinkers of the world pushing the boundaries of 💖

When I knew it was time,
I let myself shine,
And all things be mine,

Cos I remembered, the place I came from,
And I remembered the power before I was numbed.

That power resides,
Deep inside my mind’s eye.
Birth of all creation.


#Inktober day 4
Prompt: #spell

Here is an incantation for all you witchy uplifters out there 💛

Version 1 or 2? Take your pick!



#Inktober day 1
Prompt: poisonous

411119-100118.jpgYear one since the journey began!!!

I got back to painting a year ago after a ten year hiatus and since then, more than 350 hours of painting and illustrating later I’m stoked for the years to come and all there is to learn in perfecting this craft. It’s not about elusive perfection anymore, but about having fun and enjoying the ride!!!

Set doubt aside,
And glide,
Through stagnation,
To revelation, upon revelation.

Step by step,
All challenges can be met

So in oblivious playfulness I continue. Let’s see how many days I can achieve*
Wish me luck!!! Much luck to all the other Inktober masochists out there! Hahaha
It’s always so incredibly humbling and exciting to see everybody’s amazing work.


Journey to self-love

Edging one way, towards destruction,
In a world of automated instruction,
A being spiraling without direction,
Unaware of the power of my own intention.
Bruised and battered my body ached,
Poisoned my feelings did stagnate.

Thoughts lead to actions that hindered my soul,
Born in the mind, consuming me whole.
From the darkest of hours a light was born,
and shone all the mightier since those times bygone.
The contrast feeding the flames of love,
Training me always to rise above.

Above a reality created mundane,
To an empowered magnetic fantastical plane,
Where beauty is hidden in each little step,
And every challenge’s just a way to connect,
To truest purpose, inspiration divine,
To the love that is channeled through this heart of mine.

Free and allowing, that light to shine,
Forever more.

Self love comes hand in hand with our ability to love others, and the world we inhabit. The journey is a fascinating one, and the lessons can sprout from the most unexpected places. Always love reading @activationvibration and her magical synchronistic ways, lots of inspiration to be had! 💛🌴



Sketchy girls,

Etching their words,

Onto the fabric of this world,

Want to be seen,

Come clean,

Raise their truth as a banner,

In a manner of speaking.


Come forth,

Let courage be your north.

Shout out, let beauty

spill from your mouth.

Let no conditions,

Fog your rendition,

Of true desire.

Of that which was inspired.


Courage is the absence of indulgence in fear. It is unconditional belief in the potential to face your circumstances. Feminine energy is unconditional love, feminine energy is creative, expansive and nurturing. Feminine energy is what our fearful world needs now… It is the natural order of things, imbalance only exists to guide towards balance.

Don’t you think?




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