Felt inspired today by several indigenous stories:


The SelkNam an extinct indigenous tribe of Chile believed that the mountains and the lakes were giant Gods that came down from the stars and fell asleep on our planet, creating it. I like thinking of that when I look at the Andes.

I also love the idea of hair being a physical manifestation of thought and an extension of ourselves, as many indigenous peoples around the world believe. Flowing from the source to the great wide sea. I heard a story once, that if sadness ever burdens your heart, undo your hair and let it dance on the wind and all your worries will flow away. I thought that was so beautiful.

#Inktober day 10

Prompt: #flowing


360801-100618Cluck you! Dis our turf.
Chicken possy ready to cluck you up! Don’t play!!!


#Inktober day 5
Prompt: you guessed it! #chicken
Whoever came up with this promptlist must have been heavily sedated at this point hahah 🐣

On another note. Yas! Totally keeping up this year. Submerged in art every breath I get is like a detox of sorts, loving the process!!! Added some doodles to the mix, it still takes me about an hour of practice before I can get something “respectable” to emerge ♡ I do love the kooky imperfections though and I’m learning to incorporate that raw expression to develop a defined style. 💛

#gameofchicken #thuglife


When I knew it was time,
I let myself shine,
And all things be mine,

Cos I remembered, the place I came from,
And I remembered the power before I was numbed.

That power resides,
Deep inside my mind’s eye.
Birth of all creation.


#Inktober day 4
Prompt: #spell

Here is an incantation for all you witchy uplifters out there 💛

Version 1 or 2? Take your pick!



#Inktober day 3

Dean a young boy scout sat in the darkness among the trees shivering and shaking, the Sun had long set, it was loud all around him, the forest roared, he heard the rustle of the leaves, and the familiar crunch of unfamiliarly heavy feet on the snow… “The wind is howling, come on, perhaps it’s your imagination, playing tricks on you… The troop is bound to be coming back soon” – He said to himself reassuringly. The hunt was on. He had volunteered to stay at the campsite to keep the fire burning, too scared to head out with the others. The Yeti never comes to the fire they said… The snow gathered and dispersed on the violent winds, bunching up and floating apart mid-air, making patterns before his eyes, so thick it was almost milky white. Slowly and without a sound he reached out his hand to touch the formations, as he did his hand landed on what could only be wet fur that seconds before had emerged from the blizzard…

#roasted was a prompt that didn’t necessarily inspire me much!

But then I found this alternative Halloween prompt-list by @mabgraves and thought I’d mix it up!

You know, the scouts were wrong about Yetis, roasted humans are pretty much their favourite delicacy! Hahaha

#Inktober day 2
Prompt: #tranquil

Go give nature a hug! 🌳
Thank God for the pixies and the fairies and the magical thinkers of the World ♡ Here’s a tribute to them!

Scribbled on a regular sheet of white paper water doesn’t take too well to, so I’m cheekily leaving it at that! Happy with the progress on drawing backgrounds, up till now my biggest challenge.
Any practice ideas for getting better at composition!? Mua!

#Inktober day 1
Prompt: poisonous

411119-100118.jpgYear one since the journey began!!!

I got back to painting a year ago after a ten year hiatus and since then, more than 350 hours of painting and illustrating later I’m stoked for the years to come and all there is to learn in perfecting this craft. It’s not about elusive perfection anymore, but about having fun and enjoying the ride!!!

Set doubt aside,
And glide,
Through stagnation,
To revelation, upon revelation.

Step by step,
All challenges can be met

So in oblivious playfulness I continue. Let’s see how many days I can achieve*
Wish me luck!!! Much luck to all the other Inktober masochists out there! Hahaha
It’s always so incredibly humbling and exciting to see everybody’s amazing work.


Digitally adulterated doodles.

Sketchbook portrait.

“One foot on the pavement and one foot in the milky way
And I’m soaring

My branches scrape the sea of stars
My roots dig deep into this world of ours
And I’m grounded

My reality is what I perceive
What I attract into my orbit
Worries fade into the haze
The air feels different this time ’round
Different this time ’round

Let’s set sail
Start a fire
Learn to live a little higher
Let’s pick the lock
Grab the reigns
Forget there ever were chains
‘Cause there never were chains” 🔥

These lyrics are magic*

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