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“…it’s simply impassible!

Alice: Why, don’t you mean impossible?

Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing’s impossible!”


I have learned this week that there are places in the world more beautiful than you can possibly imagine! & they might be just around the corner. We can spend a lifetime trying to paint over the things we don’t like about our lives, or go out and search for the adventures we have come to this planet to experience! There might be impassible difficulties, but where your pure impulse and your heart guide, nothing within that space is impossible! Follow through*


I have chosen one final John Tenniel illustration to practice copying and “draw” inspiration from for my first ever commission. I’m so excited, and terrified! Haha
Next one will be an original composition*


They say it takes roughly 10.000 hours to become a master at something. I have decided to take up the challenge and see how long it will take me to become a legitimate self-sustaining artist:

Total time dedicated so far: 238 hours

This is the FIRST MILESTONE achieved!

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