We copy and paste, and build up a persona,
of treasures and waste, of all we have known, a
juxtaposition: experience and thought,
in which we believe more often than not.

Collage of ideas we identify with,
always in search of that something elusive.
We live in this being of haphazard structure,
Until the unexpected moment of rupture.

In which we detach from associating,
from values and faults that we are creating.
Surround our self with that which resonates truly,
Bending the canons, and being unruly.

A human experience, a kaleidoscopic design,
what actually happens when we let our light shine,
a beautiful spectacle of channeled source,
of power, and artistry and creative force.

Channeling classic masters of illustration is one of my favorite ways to learn (and one of the only ways I know how, haha)! This week I decided to focus on John Tenniel, who illustrated the first edition of Alice in Wonderland! “Tenniel’s “grotesqueness” was one of the main reasons why Lewis Carroll wanted Tenniel as his illustrator for the Alice books. The grotesque is an abnormality that imparts the disturbing sense that the real world may have ceased to be reliable.”. I love these images so much more now that I know of the meaningful intention behind them. MIND BLOWN!
If you practice art I’d love to hear which are your favorite techniques for learning!! 🎠



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