“The burden which is well borne becomes light”


I have finished my Frida! 7 days in the making. It’s five o’clock in the morning and I can’t help falling into the grips of melancholy, and a strange nostalgia…

Something beautiful, nostalgia of all the great moments past, of the wild frenzies on the dance-floor, and the burning kisses, I bruised and hurt myself, so much, and yet I still look back and feel satiated, as if there were nothing left back there to discover, only to collect, the harvest of those planted seeds, the joys and the defeats, and to realize, that everything, everything in the end is sweetness, all those memories, and the wisdom they give to create what is yet to come!

I chose to paint Frida, first in a series of studies of master painters, and artists. And push myself to the limit of what I can do, and further!

*Rolling up my sleeves!!!




He terminado mi Frida. 7 dias. Son las cinco de la mañana y no puedo evitar que me pegue la melancolia y una extraña nostalgia…

Algo bello eso si, la nostalgia de los momentos vividos, del desenfreno total y absoluto, de la osadía ciega de la juventud. Lo di todo en las pistas de baile, bese hasta que me ardian los labios, me hice daño, mucho daño, y aun asi logro mirar para atras y sentir saciedad como si alli no me quedara nada que descubrir, solo cosechar los frutos de aquellas alegrias y derrotes y darme cuenta que todo, todo al fin y al cabo es dulce, dulce saborear los recuerdos y dulce crear lo que aguarda el futuro.

Frida, me inspiraste!!!

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