Mr. Inamori

Archive: Inktober art

Mr. Inamori takes the metro to work every day. The doors open, a wave of people stumble in, doors close and he drifts off into wonderland. Marunouchi Business District never sleeps, that’s where he’s headed. There, he seldom gets a chance to dream. So, he takes the time of his subway commute to do just that. He drowns out the sound, the breath on his neck, the steady sway of the waggon, and sees it all in a flash, the things he loves. His wife’s hair as it falls on her shoulders, Komorebi in the first days of Spring, and that summertime Matcha ice-cream treat dripping down on his fingers. These are the things that feel real. More real than this moment now. These are the things that he lives for.

Inktober, day 26.

Prompt: Subway scene

Inktober is almost over!

Fasten your seatbelts, we’re in for the final stretch! Keep those engines burning everyone 🔥



Ps. Wasn’t sure which tone went better with the story, so I put both of them up! Would love to hear your take x

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